viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Anaphoric and Cataphoric


A cataphoric reference word refers to another word that is introduced later in the text or speech. It means that we refer to something or someone and later we introduce it.


When he call my mom, my dad was working.
It refers to my dad

" I perceive examples of this: The war in Iraq, when the USA, practically, walked over the UN and invaded Iraq despite the decision of the UN to end up terrorism."
It refers to war against the terrorism of USA when they  ignored the decision UN


A cataphoric reference word refers to another word that is introduced earlier of after in the text or speech.


Mary plays guitar, she is a music teacher.
It refers to Mary

"Argentina said citizens can buy up to $2,000 per month ... Argentina said it would ease restrictions after the peso fell 11%..."
 It refers to whole idea before


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